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South Precinct Arrests 23 In Series of Theft Operations

South Precinct Detectives and the South Anti-Crime Team arrested 23 suspects in a series of operations in SODO, targeting property crime and prolific shoplifters.

Police had learned that shoplifters were hitting the Home Depot in the 2700 block of Utah Avenue South on a nearly daily basis, committing misdemeanor and felony-level thefts.

Plain clothes officers, working with store security, have arrested some of the more prolific offenders in recent weeks. In one operation on Thursday, police arrested three different suspects, including one man who had filled up a shopping cart with a $600 generator, three drills, and rechargeable batteries.

The man walked the items out to his car, and took off running when he noticed police arriving on scene. Officers arrested the 27-year-old man and booked him into the King County Jail for theft.

Crime in SODO continues a major point of emphasis for commanders in the South Precinct.