Detectives from Robbery, Gangs and Narcotics, with the assistance of SWAT and K-9, served three separate search warrants early Friday morning in connection with a March 2019 robbery and drive-by shooting in West Seattle. Police arrested two suspects and seized evidence linking the suspects to the robbery.
On March 10th, one of the suspects robbed another man at gunpoint during a drug deal in an alley in West Seattle, stealing his drugs, cell phone, and jacket. The suspect, and two accomplices, then assaulted the victim before fleeing the area.
A few days later a drive by shooting occurred at the victim’s residence. The victim believed it was the same suspects from the robbery.
Robbery detectives began investigating the case and, this morning, served the search warrants in West Seattle and White Center. Two suspects, both 16, were taken into custody. Detectives are still searching for the third suspect. The suspects were later booked into the Youth Services Center. Detectives continue to investigate the case.