The Seattle Police Department would like to thank several people who helped us improve our services and address issues in the North Precinct this year. The following individuals will be recognized at the North Precinct Picnic Saturday, July 20th, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the precinct, 10049 College Way North. We hope to see you there!
2019 Outstanding Citizen: Patty Minsel Patty Minsel has spent her 92 years living in Seattle raising two boys and a daughter, all the while giving back to her community. When she learned the North Precinct Advisory Council was collecting for the homeless she immediately began knitting hats, scarves and afghans to be given to people in need. Sergeant Newsom said, “I hope when I am 92 I will be as bright a beacon for the community as Patty is. I am honored to call her my friend.” Patty was nominated by Sgt Dianne Newsom
2019 Outstanding Citizen: Marcus Johnson Marcus is recognized for leading the effort to create and launch the U District Business Block Watch. Marcus additionally initiated and manages the U District Clean and Safe program that focuses on crime and disorder hotspots, public right-of-way issues, young adult support, community services, and partnerships with law enforcement. He routinely works closely with the SPD Community Police Team and the Avenue’s Beat Officers. Thank you, Marcus, for being a true partner with Seattle Police! Marcus was nominated by Michael Lanz and Mary Amberg
2019 Outstanding Citizen: Nancy Rauhauser Nancy has been actively involved in the North Precinct Advisory Council for many years. Nancy is the secretary for North PAC and is essential to keeping communication between North PAC, the community, and the police running smoothly. She has been taking extremely detailed minutes and sending out monthly meeting reminders since 2012. Thank you, Nancy, for being the behind the scenes backbone of North PAC. Nancy was nominated by Mary Amberg
2019 Outstanding Citizen: Josephine Pompey, award accepted by Rich Hindered. Josephine goes above and beyond to come all the North PAC meetings. She is the voice for the Roosevelt/Ravenna neighborhood, is in frequent contact with SPD regarding crime and safety concerns, and follows up by sharing positive feedback when issues have been resolved. She is an articulate spokesperson for the neighborhood, whether one-on-one with the Captain or making public comment at a public safety forum. Thank you, Josephine, for always asking the hard questions and making your community a better place. Josephine Pompey was nominated by Sgt. Newsom
2019 Outstanding Citizen: Kaley Bender, award accepted by Emily Van Pelt. Kaley Bender is a member of the Fremont Trolls Knoll Neighborhood Group. She actively communicates with local government about the needs of her community. Kaley and her peers worked in concert with the SPD Navigation Team to cleanup of the green area just east of the Fremont Troll. And since the cleanup, Kaley assisted in activating the green space to attract positive community use of the space. Thank you, Miss Bender, for making a difference. Kaley was Nominated by Joe Bender.