#2020-248354/North Precinct/Third Watch:
On 8-24-2020 at 0054 hours, officers arrested a suspect believed to have started a series of fires while walking eastbound along 45th from Meridian. Items included debris on the ground, utility pole fliers and a shopping cart full of debris. The man matched the description of a suspect wanted in a North Precinct arson from 08/23/20. Arson Bomb Squad was contacted and responded. The suspect was interviewed and confessed to the three fires. He was booked for the assault on the officer that occurred during his arrest and reckless burning. The arson investigation is ongoing.
#2020-248543/Southwest Precinct/First Watch:
On 8-24-2020 at 0857 hours, officers were dispatched to investigate the report of a purse snatch in the area of 41 Ave SW and SW 100th ST. The victim (elderly female) reported she was on her front porch when she was contacted by the described suspect. The suspect asked if she knew where the airport was but when he got close, he grabbed her purse off her shoulder and fled. The suspect fled westbound on SW 100th ST. Officers conducted an extensive area check but did not locate the suspect.
#2020-248578/West Precinct/First Watch:
On 8-24-2020 at 0500 hours, a male was confronted by 3 unknown males in ski masks somewhere near Westlake. The suspects stole the victim’s backpack which contained a cell phone and tablet. In the process, the victim was stabbed one time in the buttocks. The suspects fled. The victim walked home and fell asleep. He woke up with pain, walked outside and collapsed near the east precinct call location almost 5 hours later. He was taken to the hospital with an obvious stab wound.
#2020-248585/North Precinct/First Watch:
On 8-24-2020 at 1001 hours, a suspect entered a store and requested a bottle of liquor. The clerk unlocked the case, placed a bottle on counter and requested the suspect’s ID. The suspect, who was under 21, reached into his back waistband, removed a hammer, walked around the counter to the employee-only area, and took the bottle of liquor. The suspect was located a short time later and taken into custody.
#2020-248914/South Precinct/Second Watch:
On 8-24-2020 at 1653 hours, officers responded to a call of a shooting in the parking lot of Cleveland HS. The 911 caller stated that a teenaged male told the caller that his friend had been shot in the hand. Other callers stated that they heard 8-9 shots coming from the direction of the school. Officers arrived and located a scene in the parking lot of the school. They received several reports of victims and a suspect fleeing the area on foot but were unable to contact any involved parties. Officers conducted an area search but were unable to locate any of the involved parties.
#2020-249147/West Precinct/Third Watch:
On 8-24-2020 at 2302 hours, West Precinct personnel on-viewed a fire on the rear stairwell in the 2949 4th Avenue, the Seattle Police Officers Guild. Officers extinguished the fire and noted the remnants of a Molotov cocktail. Two other Molotovs were also located. Arson Bomb Squad was requested and responded. Guild office staff reported that approximately three suspects could be seen throwing the items from the west side alley area. The investigation is ongoing.
#2020-249075/East Precinct/Third Watch:
On 08-24-2020 at 2330 hours, a group of people all dressed in black clothing, armed with shields, sticks, sledgehammers, improvised explosive devices, firearms, incendiary devices, lasers, knives, and other improvised weapons attacked the East Precinct. The group members used paint and lasers to disable the precinct security camera system. Then they used debris, large dumpsters, cement, metal bars, and vehicles to barricade Police Officers inside the East Precinct. The rioters then climbed the defensive fencing around the precinct and ignited two fires on the exterior of the East Precinct. Officers, with the assistance of Task Force Officers, were able to defeat the barricades, extinguish the fires, and make multiple arrests. There was extensive damage to the East Precinct infrastructure. The rioters also looted multiple businesses in the Capitol Hill Neighborhood causing extensive damage. The looting focused on a local internet business and a local coffee company. Many of the members of the same group have taken up residence in a local public park.