#2021-017907/South Precinct/First Watch:
On 01-22-2021 at 0358 hours, a fire occurred inside an occupied house in the 9300 block of 39th Ave S. One occupant was transported to Harborview Medical Center. A Seattle Fire marshal is investigating the cause of the fire, which is unknown at this point. The SPD’s Arson Bomb Squad responded for follow-up investigation.
#2021-018034/North Precinct/First Watch:
On 01-22-2021 at 0901 hours, four suspects identified as 20-30-year-old males entered a home in the 13500 block of Burke Av N. The victims are reporting that one male held the mother at gun point while the rest looked around the home, calling out for money and the location of her son. One suspect also confronted a 14-year-old victim inside the home, making threats to kill and sexually assault if they were to run. The suspects left the home in a black unknown sedan with a stolen cell phone and knife.
#2021-018233/North Precinct/Second Watch:
On 01-22-2021 at 1500 hours a Toyota, occupied by an adult female driver and two adult passengers, was turning from 12 Av NW to Holman Rd when a BMW, occupied by an adult female driver and adult male passenger, struck them broadside in the intersection. Witness accounts of the BMW’s actions amounted to Reckless Driving. The occupants of the BMW fled on foot and were detained/identified a couple blocks away. The injuries to the occupants of the Toyota were not initially considered substantial. However, additional follow-up revealed that the victim driver sustained fractures, so the Traffic Collision Investigation Squad adopted the investigation. A Drug Recognition Expert was dispatched to evaluate the suspect driver, who was receiving treatment for minor injuries at a local hospital. The DRE subsequently sought a search warrant for the suspect driver’s blood.
#2021-018427/North Precinct/Second Watch:
On 01-22-2021 at 1801 hours, a vehicle having mechanical issues pulled into a Chevron gas station next to the pumps. The vehicle caught on fire and the ensuing fire engulfed the pumps causing extensive damage to the gas station. The vehicle was unoccupied and there were no injuries. The owner stood by for police and was cooperative.
#2021-018644/Southwest Precinct/Third Watch:
On 01-22-2021 at 2236 hours, a suspect smashed one of the front-facing windows of the 7/11 at 35 AV SW/SW Avalon WY, Seattle WA. The suspect entered the store, threatened to kill the clerk and a customer, went behind the clerk’s counter and stole merchandise while holding a blunt object weapon. The suspect had just fled from across the street where he had committed a burglary by breaking into a building by smashing out a front facing window. Patrol officers responding to the burglary chased the suspect on foot as he fled the robbery. The suspect was captured four blocks away. The suspect was booked into the King County Jail for Investigation of Robbery and Investigation of Burglary.
#2021-018645/South Precinct/Third Watch:
On 01-22-2021 at 2240 hours, officers responded to the report of 35 shots fired near the Safeway in the 9200 block of Rainier Ave S. Additional witnesses stated that 3 to 4 suspects on foot just west of the gas pumps fired multiple rounds towards the Safeway building. No victims were located at the scene. One of the shots traveled through a glass window and into a Safeway office. Evidence recovered at the scene indicated that at least three suspects fired shots. Gun Violence Reduction Unit detectives responded to the scene and recovered evidence. K-9 responded and attempted a track of the suspects.