#2021-49580/West Precinct/Third Watch:
On 02-28-2021 at 0026 hours, calls began coming in to 9-1-1 regarding 20-30 vehicles doing donuts, drifting and setting off fireworks on 1 Av S, near the stadiums. Several marked patrol vehicles drove to the area. They made their presence known with lights and sirens. Upon seeing the police monitoring the activities, the vehicles left the area obeying appropriate traffic laws.
#2021-49657/South Precinct/First Watch:
On 02-28-2021 at 0454 hours, vehicle #1 was travelling southbound and entered onto the northbound lanes of travel for SR 99 just South of S. Atlantic St. Vehicle #1 then struck vehicle #2 head-on, causing serious injuries that did not appear to be life-threatening to the driver of n/b vehicle #2. Seattle Fire responded and treated both drivers for their injuries. Both were transported to Harborview Medical Center by AMR for further medical attention. Both vehicles appeared to be totaled with full airbag deployment and were blocking all n/b lanes of travel. N/B SR-99 was closed to all n/b traffic for approx. one and half hours. A Drug Recognition Expert responded to the scene and contacted the driver of vehicle #1. The Traffic Collision Investigation Squad was contacted and advised of the collision. Driver of vehicle #1 was transported to HMC for a blood draw and was then booked into the King County Jail for Vehicular Assault.
#2021-049668/West Precinct/First Watch:
On 02-28-2021 at 0545 hours, four suspects entered the secured lobby of a condominium building. They went into the mail room and started going through packages. The on-duty security guard heard noises and opened the door to investigate. The suspects ran from the building with the guard chasing after them. The guard caught up to the female suspect on the sidewalk and tried to grab the packages from her. She fell, and the armed suspect pointed his gun at the guard. The guard immediately ran back towards the building. The guard heard two shots and felt a sharp pain in his ankle. The suspects jumped into the suspect vehicle and left south on Dexter and then west on Valley. An unknown amount of mail and packages were stolen in the robbery. The victim had what looked like a grazing wound to his ankle. He declined medical attention. The Robbery Unit and Video Unit responded and processed the scene.
#2021-050269/North Precinct/Third Watch:
On 02-28-2021 at 2148 hours, officers responded to the Lake City Dick’s Drive In, for a report of shots fired, with someone possibly shot. There were also reports of several vehicles fleeing the area and a possible suspect running SB in the alley. Officers located two shooting scenes (alley behind Dick’s and 120/Lake City Way) and a victim vehicle, with bullet damage, stopped at a nearby gas station (115/Lake City Way). Based on their investigation, officers determined an unknown suspect fired at the victim vehicle in the Dick’s parking lot, from the adjacent alley. The victim vehicle then drove out of the parking lot and traveled SB on Lake City Way. Presumably the same suspect got into a silver Ford Mustang, also drove SB on Lake City Way, and again fired upon the victim vehicle, striking it several times. The suspect vehicle was last seen driving SB on Lake City Way. Officers conducted an area check, with negative results. Officers recovered evidence of a shooting and also located bullet damage to the Dick’s food truck and a nearby building. There were no reported injuries.