#2021-226000/South Precinct/Third Watch:
On 08-30-2021 at 0230 hours, the suspect in this matter has been calling 911 with reports of violence and sex crimes that have all been unfounded for months. The suspect typically calls from a 911 only phone and has typically been uncooperative with the 911 call takers and radio operators. The suspect’s phone mapped to a secured apartment building. Through the efforts of South Precinct officers on all 3 watches, the likely suspect was identified. It had been discovered that the suspect has been taking their calling to a level that includes the harassment of their neighbors and possible violations of a DV court order. These on top of the drain on already strained numbers of patrol units who must tend to the calls that end up unfounded, taking time away from actual 911 needs. The suspect has also been able to avoid contact with police, until now. Between the early morning hours of 08/29/21 to the early morning of 08/30/21, the suspect called 911 9 different times to report either hearing or witnessing various acts of violence that were reportedly in-progress. By the end of the shift, the suspect’s calls were mapping to an area away from their otherwise secured apartment building. Officers were able to locate and make contact with the suspect, despite his efforts to leave the scene and again avoid police contact. Officers were able to confirm the efforts of previous officers in identifying the suspect positively and discovered a DOC warrant. The suspect was placed into custody and a case has been sent forward for 13 + counts of false reporting and possible DV court order violations. Follow-up may also bring charges for harassment of the suspect’s neighbors.
#2021-226714/South Precinct/Third Watch:
On 08-30-2021 at 1930 hours, officers responded to the vicinity of the 3900 BLK of S Kenyon St in response to a shots call. Upon arrival, officers located evidence of a shooting in the street, and later, after another 911 call, eventually located a victim that had returned to his residence. The victim appeared to have had a direct or deflected round graze his face, resulting in a small laceration above his eye. The victim was unable to provide any identifying information pertaining to the suspect(s). Officers canvassed the area and processed the scene.
#2021-226878/East Precinct/Third Watch:
On 08-30-2021 at 2329 hours, officers were dispatched to an expedited response to assist fire in the 1400 Block of E Yesler WY. Fire was on scene working to extinguish a fire located on the fourth floor of an occupied apartment building. It’s unknown at this time if he was involved with the arson, however a resident from the third floor inserted himself into the Seattle Fire scene making it difficult for them to work. Officers assisted by dealing with the inebriated subject while SFD finished their work. Fire Marshal collected evidence at the scene and provided it to SPD for processing. Fire Marshal also contacted SPD’s Arson Bomb Squad to advise of the incident. I followed up by contacting ABS via email to verify they were aware of the case number. Estimated damage was a few thousand dollars, and there were no reported injuries.