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Monday – June 6, 2022

#2022-143202/West Precinct/First Watch:

On 06-06-2022 at 0445 hours, a neighbor of high-rise construction site noticed a male on the construction site during early morning hours. It was reported that he appeared to be carrying wire and possibly a compressor. Officers arrived and contacted the suspect, who was found carrying well over $1000 worth of copper wiring and a power tool. The witness did a show up and confirmed this was the correct suspect. He was placed into custody, and the site Superintendent proved ownership of the (still unopened) wiring, which was then returned. The suspect, who also had a (non-extraditable) Felony warrant for burglary out of Pierce County, was booked into the King County Jail.

#2022-143281/Southwest Precinct/First Watch:

On 06-06-2022 at 0727 hours, a suspect walked inside the Thriftway located at the 4200 BLK of SW Morgan St and grabbed sandwiches. The suspect attempted to exit the store. Employees at the store confronted the suspect about the items, and he pulled out a knife, made threats, and jabbed at the employee screaming. The suspect left the store and officers located him in the area. The knife was recovered, and after a show up the suspect was placed in custody for Robbery. At this time, the identity of the suspect is unknown. SPD Robbery Unit was notified.

#2022-143667/West Precinct/Second Watch:

On 06-06-2022 at 1518 hours, a male victim called to report a man was in his apartment armed with a rifle and handgun and had threatened the victim. Call notes state the caller sounded like he was in crisis. Officers arrived, interviewed the victim, and reviewed evidence. Officers consulted on technical plans, then attempted to hail the suspect from the hallway, but suspect did not answer, and officers were unsure if anyone was inside the unit. Officers were able to determine the suspect was inside the unit, hailed him again, and this time he surrendered without further incident. Suspect was booked into KCJ for Burglary 1, Felony Harassment, Theft 2, Unlawful imprisonment, and outstanding warrants. An airsoft type weapon was recovered, so no actual firearms found.

#2022-143724/North Precinct/Second Watch:

On 06-06-2022 at 1623 hours, officers were dispatched to the 7100 block of NE 62nd street for a reported arson. Officers arrived and located the suspect who attempted to start a fire in his apartment. This apartment complex is home to 120 different dwellings. A show from witnesses confirmed officers had the correct suspect. The suspect will be booked for Arson 1 once he is medically cleared from the hospital. SPD’s ABS responded to scene.

#2022-143755/South Precinct/Second Watch:

On 06-06-2022 at 1700 hours, a witness called in reporting that he viewed live stream video footage of two shots fired from a vehicle and it drove away. Officers responded to the scene and viewed the same video which showed two suspects sitting in a parked red and black Nissan Versa. The driver fired one round from a rifle in the air and the passenger fired one round from a handgun in the air. The two drove away after the shots were fired. No further evidence of a shooting or property damage were located at the scene. Patrol conducted an area check for the vehicle with negative results. The incident was forwarded to GVRU.