#2022-160288/North Precinct/First Watch:
On 06-23-2022 at 0748 hours, multiple calls from 5 separate callers came in regarding a man acting erratically with a knife. Officers contacted the man and determined he was in crisis and a significant danger to himself and others. The man was waving a knife around, gesturing as if he was going to cut his own abdomen, and referencing eating people. The man was contained at N 107 St and Greenwood. CRT and HNT responded to the scene. After approximately three hours and a Type 2 Use of Force, the subject was taken into custody for an ITA.
#2022-160441/West Precinct/Second Watch:
On 06-23-2022 at 1045 hours, officers were dispatched to threats made by a patient to shoot up a medical center. Officers responded and learned that staff evacuated per protocol, but only wanted the subject trespassed. Officers contacted the suspect at her residence. The suspect stated that she was just frustrated and had no intent on harming anyone and didn’t own any guns. Officers learned the suspect had a municipal warrant for harassment, but KCJ refused to book her. The suspect was notified that she is trespassed from the medical clinic.
#2022-160792/West Precinct/Second Watch:
On 06-23-2022 at 1811 hours, officers responded to an assault in the 100 block of Bell St. The investigation revealed the suspect had committed a hate crime assault on staff, then proceeded to barricade herself inside her apartment. One of the responding officers was HNT, so he began negotiation attempts through the suspect’s apartment door. A search warrant was applied for by patrol and served at the scene. Officers made entry into the unit and took the suspect into custody without further incident. The suspect was booked for Hate Crime and attempted Assault 2nd Degree. CRG was notified and responded to the scene.
#2022-160915/South Precinct/Third Watch:
On 06-23-2022 at 2109 hours, officers were dispatched to a shooting call near S Myrtle St and Flora Ave S. According to the caller, they heard two shots. Another caller reported seeing two male subjects with a gun and provided a detailed suspect description. Officers arrived and detained two subjects matching the provided description. During a frisk, a semi-automatic handgun was located. Officers ran the suspects, and they were both convicted felons. Both subjects were arrested and booked for VUFA. Officers were unable to locate a shooting scene or a victim.