#2022-197532/North Precinct/Second Watch:
On 07-29-2022 at 1115 hours, when reporting to work an employee noticed a suspicious package on the sidewalk out front. Several hours later the employee noticed the package was still there and phoned police. Patrol arrived, set up a perimeter and requested ABS. ABS responded and was able to determine that the package was not hazardous. NW 85th St was closed for several hours as a result. ABS will handle the follow-up.
#2022-198184/North Precinct/Third Watch:
On 07-29-2022 at 2218 hours, a victim was leaving a parking lot of a closed business, in a high prostitution area, and had stopped at a red light on Aurora AV N. A suspect vehicle pulled next to the victim vehicle, threatened to kill the victim, and pointed a handgun at victim. Suspect drove away and the victim followed the suspect into a business parking lot while calling 911. The suspect fired four rounds at the victim. Victim fled the area and the suspect vehicle followed victim onto I-5 southbound before exiting at N 85 ST. No injuries or property damage located. Evidence of a shooting was recovered. Area check for suspect vehicle was negative. Screened with GVRU.
#2022-198232/West Precinct/Third Watch:
On 07-29-2022 at 2304 hours, officers responded to reports of a stabbing. Upon arrival they located a male victim with a stab wound to the left side of his abdomen. Officers rendered aid on scene until Seattle Fire arrived and took over. The male victim was transported to HMC and was in stable condition. A friend of the victim stated that an altercation started over the suspect being told to leave Occidental Park because he was causing a disturbance. An area check yielded negative results for the suspect. Homicide was notified.