Police seized four handguns on Tuesday after officers tailed the four men in a stolen car from the Central District to Tukwila.
Around 10:30 p.m., Community Response Group officers were patrolling near the Judkins Park neighborhood when they spotted the four men in a stolen Hyundai sedan. Officers attempted to stop the vehicle, but the driver sped away.
Officers were able to maintain a visual of the suspects and followed them to a gas station in the 14400 block of Tukwila International Boulevard, where the group emerged from their vehicle and entered a convenience store.
When officers attempted to contact the suspects, several of them attempted to flee on foot, but police were able to take them into custody.
All four suspects were carrying loaded handguns, one of which was reported stolen.
Officers booked the suspects—who are all between 19 and 22 years old—into the King County Jail for a variety of crimes, including unlawful firearms possession, possession of a stolen vehicle, possession of a stolen firearm, eluding, obstruction, resisting arrest, and unlawful carry of a firearm.