The Seattle Police Department’s Community Response Group officers arrested five suspects in a city-wide Auto Theft Operation.
Just after 12:30 p.m. last Saturday, the operation began with officers completing surveillance and routine checks of vehicles. Some of the vehicles stopped had no license plates, modified trip permits, or returned as a stolen vehicle when a records check was completed.
Officers detained the occupants of these vehicles and identified them. A few of the suspects had outstanding warrants, so officers booked them into jail.
As a result of the operation, four stolen vehicles, two handguns, and narcotics were recovered.
Of the five suspects arrested, one was arrested for possession of stolen vehicle, two for felony warrants including possession of stolen vehicle and burglary, and one for unlawful possession of a firearm. Officers booked those four individuals into King County Jail. The fifth suspect was arrested for possession of a stolen vehicle, but he was medically declined at KCJ. Police transported him to Harborview Medical Center, where he was released.