#2023-023490/East Precinct/First Watch:
At 0230 hours, a male victim was fueling his vehicle when he began to assist another motorist having trouble fueling their car. Victim said that 3 unknown suspects with masks approached him and one of them stuck a pistol in his face and said they were taking the car. The victim stated that he was scared, and his phone had died therefore he did not call 911 right away. After a couple of hours he reported it and met officers at the gas station. The victim provided information to officers and the vehicle was located with the suspects in it. One suspect remained in the vehicle while the others fled on foot. Suspect was taken into custody and the vehicle is being sent to the processing room. Screened with Robbery SGT.
#2023-023752/South Precinct/First Watch:
At 1045 hours, an officer was returning from the South PCT, and he was flagged down by community members at the 500 BLK of S Michigan St concerning an assault in progress. The suspect ran, and the officer gave commands to stop. The officer caught up to the suspect, and the suspect pulled out a knife and faced the officer with the knife in his hand. The officer was afraid for his life, so he pointed his firearm at the suspect and gave commands. The suspect quickly dropped the knife, and he was placed in custody. The suspect was booked at KCJ. A hazard report was completed.
#2023-024102/West Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1622 hours, officers responded to a reported bank robbery. While officers were enroute, bank security provided information to officers which led them to the Yesler Terrace area. Responding officers, to include patrol, WPCT emphasis units, and K9, arrived and coordinated containment. Officers located property taken from the bank but not the suspect. Further investigation revealed an unknown male suspect entered the bank and produced a note stating, “Hand me 10,000 in cash or everyone will die.” The suspect then fled the bank after stealing an undetermined amount of U.S. currency. Patrol processed the scene, to include interviews, evidence processing, and latent fingerprinting processing. Robbery Unit notified.