#2023-272741/Southwest Precinct/Third Watch:
On 9-20-2023, at 03:22hrs, a business located in the 9400 block of 35th Avenue Southwest had forced entry to the front of the business. Based on the investigation, the suspect/suspects drove an unreported stolen Kia sedan through the front door and caused significant damage. This vehicle was left at the scene partially inside the building. Approximately 5-6 suspects fled in a separate silver sedan. It is unknown what was stolen from the business at this time. The suspect/suspects and vehicle were not located.
#2023-272782/West Precinct/First Watch:
At 05:23hrs, a West Precinct patrol officer observed an in-progress robbery near the intersection of 12th Avenue South and South Jackson Street. Initially, the victim was walking behind the suspect but ended up lying on the ground with the suspect over him. The suspect began rummaging through the victim’s pockets as the patrol officer arrived. The suspect refused to stop and attempted to flee from the location. However, he was arrested by officers responding to the incident. The victim was transported to HMC for medical evaluation of his non-life-threatening injury sustained from the incident. The suspect was booked into King County Jail for robbery.