#2024-088877/East Precinct/Third Watch:
At 0358 hours, the victim followed the suspect vehicle for suspicious activity. The suspect driver stopped his vehicle in the 800 block of 31 Ave and fired one round over his shoulder at the victim vehicle which was behind it. The suspect vehicle took off at a high rate of speed southbound on 31 Ave. The victim called 911 and returned to his residence to report the incident. Officers canvassed the area and found one .40 FCC. Scene processed by patrol. Area check for the suspect vehicle was negative.
#2024-089501/West Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1751h hours SPD received numerous phone calls from concerned citizens of a man who had climbed up and over the guard rail on the 9th floor of a parking garage. Numerous citizens attempted to coax the male back into the garage and into safety to no avail. SPD Officers arrived within minutes on scene and were able to block off both foot and vehicle traffic directly below the crisis individual. After approximately 30-minutes of speaking with the individual, Officers were able to successfully get the subject to climb back over the railing and back into the garage. The male was transported from the scene to the hospital for ITA via AMR. Incident was screened with 213 and NEG1.
#2024-089264/South Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1336 hours a subject experiencing a crisis event smashed the window out of his third-floor apartment and began tossing large objects out onto the street and sidewalk below. The subject rejected all communication efforts with police and continued to throw objects out of the window as officers were on-scene. A warrant was obtained to enter the apartment and arrest the subject for Reckless Endangerment, as well as an outstanding ITA warrant. HNT responded to the scene to assist, but after eight hours of attempting to gain compliance from the subject it proved to be unproductive. Throughout the incident the subject repeatedly hung out of the broken window and threatened to jump headfirst if officers entered his apartment. After exhausting all available avenues to take the subject into custody peacefully it was determined that there was no feasible means of arresting the subject without risking serious physical injury to him. The scene below the apartment was thoroughly marked to indicate that pedestrians could not use the sidewalk and SDOT provided traffic control devices to divert vehicles away from the apartment. The scene was then cleared and staff at the apartment building were advised to call 9-1-1 if the subject re-escalated.
#2024-089578/West Precinct/Third Watch:
At 1934 hours, Officers attempted to contact a driver passed out behind the wheel in a parking lot in the 500 block of 1st Avenue West. The driver woke up and struck an unoccupied patrol vehicle and Officers standing next to the suspect vehicle. The vehicle then fled from the scene. Area check was conducted and the vehicle was not located. Officers transferred to Swedish with minor injuries and were released back to active duty.