#2024-206897/Southwest Precinct/Third Watch:
At 0001 hours, officers responded to a collision in the 3800 block of W Marginal Wy Sw. A sedan, apparently traveling southbound at a high rate of speed, stuck a tree and was completely obliterated. One occupant was thrown from the vehicle while the other was extricated by SFD using the jaws of life. Both were transported to HMC with life threatening injuries. TCIS responded and processed the scene.
#2024-207863/South Precinct/Third Watch:
At 1958 hours, Officers responded to a report of a Drive-by shooting at Rainier AV S/S McClellan St. Victim was seen walking away from the scene and later arrived at HMC. Officers secured the scene and were able to retrieve dash camera footage from witnesses as well as Metro Buses. Victim sustained non-life-threatening injury to his leg. Victim refused to speak with officers at the hospital. Officers photographed the scene and collected 7 9mm casings from the SB lanes on Rainier Av S. GVRU and 233 were notified.
#2024-207488/North Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1337 hours, suspect entered Lululemon in University Village and stole $2,549.09 of merchandise and left the store. Officers located the thief who fled on the light rail into East Precinct. East officers from Edward sector volunteered to assist Union officers in the tracking. One suspect was captured coming out of the light rail station at 140 Broadway E with stolen merchandise. Post Miranda suspect described/admitted to ORT and Trafficking. Suspect specifically requested not to be booked for, “Organized Retail Theft”. Lululemon provided additional information connecting the suspect to $10,292.00 worth of previous thefts at their University Village location. Suspect booked into KCJ on Organized Retail Theft 1st-Degree.