On October 4th at 12:02 AM, a citizen called 911 stating that a 13-year-old female had been assaulted. She was wearing a jacket only and no pants. This was in the area of Fairview Avenue E and E Boston Street.
West Precinct officers responded and contacted the victim. She informed them that she had snuck away from her residence. She stated that she met a guy, only described as a young Arab male at a fast food restaurant located at 5th and Broad. He agreed to give her a ride. The victim got into what she could only describe as a dark colored vehicle. The suspect drove her to Boston and Fairview Avenue East.
The suspect then took out a handful of cash and told her that she was going to have sex with him. She refused and when she attempted to exit the vehicle he grabbed her and was able to get her pants off. The victim was escape from the suspect and run from the car. The suspect then drove away at a high rate of speed.
The victim was adamant that no sexual contact occurred. A records check showed that she was a runaway and a Juvenile Court arrest warrant. The victim was booked into Youth Detention.
This case was referred to the Sexual Assault Unit for follow up investigation.