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Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Squad activity today

On Friday, March 23rd officers from the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Squad inspected nine trucks while working South Atlantic Street near Alaskan Way South.

Five trucks were placed Out of Service for the following violations:

2 No Brake lights

3 Defective Brake Line Air Hoses 

The following violations were documented:

2 Brake Lights

2 Brakes, Air Hose unprotected

3 Brakes, Air Hose Obstructed

2 Tail Lights required, Trailer

2 Power Line to Trailer, unprotected

2 Air Leaks, Brakes Axle 2

1 Air Leak, Brake Axle 4

3 Air Leak, Brake @ connection

1 Air leak, suspension

6 Retro-reflective

1 Power Steering Leak

1 No Proof of Insurance

1 Washer Fluid depleted

1 License Plate, inadequate mounting

1 Trailer Registration, required

1 Financial Responsibility, inadequate

1 Lights, ID

1 Tire, under inflated

Tickets were issued for the following violations:

1 Financial Responsibility

1 No Proof of Insurance

The documented violations will be forwarded to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and will count as “strikes” against the company, the driver and the carrier.

The Seattle Police Department encourages all commercial motor vehicle operators to be familiar with and obey all local and state laws and all federal motor carrier safety regulations.