On March 30th, at approximately 10:15 pm, a North Precinct officer responded to a call of an assault at a bar in the 12300 Block of Lake City Way NE. The officer located two suspects involved after witnesses identified them. The suspects immediately fled on foot and the officer pursued. The foot chase went through several yards, up stairs and over a fence. At that point, the two fleeing suspects split, fleeing in different directions. The officer made the decision to pursue one of the suspects. The suspect ran up a flight of stairs next to an apartment complex in the 12300 Block of 33 Avenue NE. Just as the suspect was running past the apartments, a resident stepped outside of his apartment. As the officer was closing in on the suspect, she yelled to the resident, “Seattle Police, stop that guy!” The resident tackled the fleeing suspect to the ground without injury and the officer immediately took him into custody. The suspect complained of minor injury that occurred when he injured himself jumping over the fence while fleeing the officer. The victim in the assault suffered a black eye, but refused any medical treatment by the Seattle Fire Department.
The 22 year old suspect was later booked into the King County Jail for assault and obstructing. The Seattle Police Department commends the resident for his willingness to step in and assist the officer in apprehending the suspect.