Boating Season is nearly underway. Especially during the summer months, it is important that the public is reminded of boating and swimming safety tips for water activities.
The Seattle Police Department Harbor Unit has developed the following list of important water safety tips and encourages anyone who boats or enjoys water activities to review the safety information.
Insist properly fitted PFD’s (Personal Floatation Devices) be worn by everyone riding in a boat or being towed on an inner tube, skis or other device.
Never allow alcohol to be consumed when around the water.
Never swim in unsupervised areas, and never swim alone.
Do not dive or jump into unfamiliar or shallow water because of the risk of spinal cord or head injuries.
Go to shore when changing places in small tippy boats or canoes.
Limit boating to safe weather and water conditions.
Teach your child to swim or enroll them in swim classes.
Children should not jump into the pool on their own until they are able to climb out on their own.
If a river carries a stick faster than you can walk on shore, it’s moving too fast.
Don’t swim in or around lily pads because arms or legs may become entangled.
For more information, visit
Have a safe season on the water!