SWAT arrested a woman for stabbing her girlfriend in the face and neck this morning in Belltown. Just shortly after midnight, the victim of a DV assault called 911 to report that she had been stabbed in the neck and face by her girlfriend in an apartment in the 2200 block of 4th Av. Officers arrived to find the victim on the front steps of the apartment building with the described injuries. She was alert and conscious.
The woman advised that the suspect had two knives and had stabbed her with them multiple times. Fire responded and began treatment on the victim as officers began securing the location to prevent the suspect from fleeing.
SWAT officers arrived on scene while officers were setting up containment and they took over covering the apartment. Verbal hails by SWAT from within the apartment building produced no response so officers hailed the suspect from a patrol car PA system. The suspect immediately responded and exited the apartment as directed. SWAT officers took her into custody and cleared the apartment to ensure there were no additional suspects or victims inside.
The victim was transported to HMC and her injuries appeared to be serious but non-life threatening. She stated that the suspect became angry when the victim received a text or phone call and the suspect accused her of being unfaithful. The suspect went to the kitchen, retrieved a knife, and began cutting the victim.
The suspect also stated several times that she was going to kill the victim. The victim was able to exit the apartment and call 911.
The suspect was booked into King County Jail for Investigation of DV Assault.