Captain Carmen Best began her career with the Seattle Police Department in 1992. Captain Best has worked uniformed patrol, School Safety, Media Relations, Patrol Supervisor, Media Relations Supervisor, Watch Commander, Operations Lieutenant, Narcotics Proactive Lieutenant, Robbery/Gangs/Fugitive Lieutenant, and Community Outreach Lieutenant. Her most recent assignment was as the Community Outreach Lieutenant where she was responsible for overseeing personnel assigned to Community Outreach, False Alarm Detail, Youth Outreach, School Emphasis, Explorers, Public Affairs, the Citizen’s Police Academy, Crime Stoppers and Demographic Advisory Councils.
Captain Best was promoted to the rank of Captain and in September 2013 she was assigned to the South Precinct.
Captain Best attended Western Illinois University. She has a certificate in Police Management from the University of Washington and certificate in Criminal Justice Education from the University of Virginia. She completed the Senior Management Institute for Police in 2006 and the FBI National Academy in 2010 and the Criminal Justice Executive Leadership Academy in August 2013. She is a past treasurer for the Washington State Chapter of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives and volunteer for the A+ program for youth.
Captain Best was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and has five generations of family living in the Seattle/Tacoma area. She is married and has two daughters.