Officers arrested a 20-year-old man for his involvement in a drive-by shooting on December 27th in the Brighton neighborhood.
Police were called to a Brighton area home for a drive by shooting shortly after noon. The victims had pulled into the driveway of their home when a trailing car opened fire, striking the victim’s car numerous times. Thankfully no one was injured in the attack.
Officers spoke to witnesses of the drive-by shooting and collected evidence, including shell casings from the scene. Detectives and officers continued to investigate the shooting eventually developing probable cause for the suspect.
On January 2nd officers responded a fight at Rainier Ave South and South Genesee Street. Officers recognized and detained the suspect of the earlier drive-by shooting while at the scene of the fight.
Detectives interviewed the man and booked him into King County Jail on investigation of drive-by shooting. Officers also located and impounded the suspect’s vehicle, which is believed to be the car used in the drive-by shooting.