The SPD launched its new Bias/Hate Crime Data dashboard. The data is composed of citywide bias crime reports, and can be viewed by Precinct, MCPP neighborhood, Bias Type, Year and Crime Type, for which the department tracks at three levels:
- Malicious Harassment (sometimes referred to as Hate or Bias Crimes): The motivation for the suspect targeting a particular person is based on their belief about the victim’s race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, handicap (mental, physical or sensory), homelessness, marital status, age, parental status, gender or political identity. This usually involves an assault, property damage or threat of harm.
- Crimes with Bias Elements: During the commission of any crime, bias comments are made.
- Non-Criminal Bias Incidents: Offensive and/or derogatory language that, although hurtful, does not meet the level of a crime and may fall under the category of free speech. The comments may cause a level of fear and concern in the targeted community, making the victim feel harassed, intimidated or offended.
This dashboard will be updated monthly, and will join other publicly available data on the City’s open data site.
SPD’s Bias Crimes Unit has been a leader in addressing hate crimes. Regardless of the level of offense, bias incidents are a priority. Victims are encouraged to call 9-1-1 if an incident is in progress, or (206) 625-5011 if you believe you have been a victim.