Meet Officer Young Jun Lim
Three officers were recently added to the newly redrawn West Precinct. One of those is Officer Young Jun Lim, will work the beat in the Chinatown-International District. Say hello to Officer Lim when you see him out there in the CID.
Meet Chinatown's new beat cop, Officer Young Jun Lim. Lim is one of 3 additional officers assigned to the redrawn boundaries of the West Precinct. @SeattlePD @nwasianweekly
— SeattleNeighborhood (@SeaNeighborhood) March 30, 2018
Working to Combat Hate
Rise in hate crimes prompts workshop for women’s safety. @TatevikAprikyan reports:
— #Q13FOX (@Q13FOX) March 26, 2018
“I want to make sure they know what SPD officers is help, not persecution or embarrassment or something negative they may have faced at their home country,” said Detective Beth Wareing, Bias Crimes Coordinator at SPD.
March for Our Lives
Last weekend we saw thousands of young people march through Seattle using their voice to raise concerns about gun violence and gun control.
Stopped by to see the organizers for @MFOLseattle this morning. @SeattlePD officers are staffed up to ensure route safety.
— Chief Carmen Best (@carmenbest) March 24, 2018
This weekend, young people all over the country will be marching to demand action and stand up for commonsense gun law. In Seattle, your elected leaders have heard your call to action, and we encourage you to keep standing up and demanding action.
— Mayor Jenny Durkan (@MayorJenny) March 22, 2018