Over 1,200 law enforcement, corrections, behavioral health, advocates, and more will attend the CIT International Annual Conference August 26-28, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency Seattle in Washington. This conference focuses on addressing crisis response and providing community supports for people with mental illnesses, addictions, and other vulnerable populations. The conference is co-hosted by local partners from the Northwest Regional CIT Conference Committee.
There are over 100 workshops to include, but not be limited to topics involving law enforcement, mental health, and criminal justice fields. With increased pressure on law enforcement to handle encounters with people with mental illness in a manner consistent with mental illness as a disease and not a crime, CIT International brings stakeholders from communities together to highlight best practice models, develop and strengthen community partnerships, and work on training that helps equip communities to serve more effectively and efficiently with emphasis on safety for all parties.
“This conference brings together some of the best and brightest in the field for communities addressing the needs of those with mental illnesses, addiction and other special needs to improve services and reduce unnecessary incarceration, injury or death” stated Tom von Hemert, President of CIT International. “The CIT Program promotes safety and smart justice” he went on to add. “And we are also pleased to host Nationally Renowned Keynote Speakers.”
At the conference, Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Programs: A Best Practice Guide for Transforming Community Responses to Mental Health Crises, will be released. The first comprehensive guide for communities to best practices for starting and sustaining CIT programs, it includes seven chapters that guide local mental health advocates, mental health professionals, law enforcement and community leaders through the process of starting and sustaining their CIT programs. The Guide will be available for purchase at the conference and for download at http://www.citinternational.org/bestpracticeguide.
Included at the conference is the Crisis Intervention Team International (CITI) Annual Awards Banquet that will be held on Tuesday, August 27, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency Seattle.
The awards banquet will recognize nominees in the following categories:
• 2019 CIT First Responder of the Year
• 2019 CIT Corrections Officer of the Year
• 2019 CIT People with mental illness lived experience of the Year
• 2019 CIT Coordinator (management level) of the Year
• 2019 CIT Law Enforcement Agency Head (Sheriff or Police Chief) of the Year
• Transforming Community Responses to Mental Health Crisis
• 2019 CIT Behavioral Healthcare Practioner of the Year
• 2019 CIT Advocate of the Year
• 2019 CIT Telecommunications Personnel of the Year
If you have any further questions or need further information email CITI at admin@citinternational.org.
Media inquiries should be directed to Michele Saunders at (407) 925-2462