On September 1st, Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz announced the reassignment of officers from follow up and specialty units back into patrol. The department has now notified the officers and detectives affected and is releasing the units impacted and the number of officers reassigned from those units. They are as follows:
Precinct CPT officers/sergeants 29
Traffic and TCI Detectives/officers/sergeants 21
Precinct Burg/Theft Detectives/sergeants 20
Community Outreach officers 2
Crisis Intervention/SHA Liaison officers 4
Drug Court Detective 1
DV Unit Detectives 5
Intelligence Unit Detectives 5
Narcotics Detectives 1
In addition to these 88 officers resuming responsibilities in Patrol, the department is also forming the Community Response Group, made up of 100 officers and 10 sergeants whose priority will be to address the increased response times to 911 calls throughout the city.