Chief Diaz introduced the newly formed Community Response Group (CRG) to members of the media this afternoon at a press conference. The group, which consists of officers and sergeants from all five precincts, has been working now for one week.
On September 30th the Department debuted the group, consisting of over one hundred officers and sergeants. The CRG is tasked with helping meet the city’s growing public safety needs by working citywide to enhance 911 and emergency response. Because CRG is not assigned to any one specific precinct, its officers can go where they’re needed, when they’re needed. These officers will also respond to demonstrations, freeing up patrol officers to handle 911 calls. When CRG officers are not engaged with demonstrations, they will backup patrol officers on investigations and other 911 calls.
Since their launch a week ago, CRG has responded to more than 400 calls. Officers are also arriving at priority one calls faster than average; usually in under 7 minutes.
With an emphasis on community, the CRG held its first roll call last Wednesday in the Chinatown-International District, after which officers walked around the CID, speaking with residents and business owners. In the last week CRG officers have held their roll calls in Rainier Beach and Ballard.
This afternoon, Chief Diaz, Captain Edwards, and Lieutenant Brooks all spoke to the media about the Community Response Group. The CRG will be in place for the forseeable future, but will continue to assess the group and monitor it’s progress.