#2021-309356/Southwest Precinct/Third Watch:
On 11-22-2021 at 0200 hours, officers responded to a report of found human remains. Reporting Party (RP) located a bone she thought to be of human origin somewhere on the beach near the 6200 block of Alki AVE SW. RP returned home with the item and officers took custody of a “bone” of unidentified origin. The evidence was transported to the M.E. for identification. A search for a scene was inconclusive. Homicide Unit notified.
#2021-309391/North Precinct/First Watch:
On 11-22-2021 at 0335 hours, the Airsoft Center was burglarized during the early morning hours. After using a vehicle to smash the front doors, the suspects quickly smashed glass cases inside and took approx. 10 airsoft guns, a mix of pistols and rifles.
#2021-309566/Southwest Precinct/First Watch:
On 11-22-2021 at 0842 hours, a victim was driving a semi and allowed a vehicle in front of them. When a second vehicle tried to get in front, the semi honked its horn. The suspect passenger in the second vehicle then opened the passenger door and fired a shot in the direction of the semi. The vehicle then fled northbound. The semi had a possible bullet hole in the grill. An area check for suspect vehicles was negative.
#2021-309610/West Precinct/First Watch:
On 11-22-2021 at 0938 hours, the father of a teen came to the West Precinct to report his child was the victim of a hate crime due to the child’s sexual orientation identification. The father said another teen was bullying his child and that the Seattle Public School was failing to deal with the issues. The man’s child was not present at the time of the report and information was second hand from the father. The investigating officer contacted the middle school and spoke to a school administrator who said the two teens have been counseled and a mediation plan was in effect. The administrator said both children violated the plan and appeared to provoke each other to continue the conflict. Lt. notified.
#2021-310096/Southwest Precinct/Third Watch:
On 11-22-2021 at 2008 hours, officers were responding to a robbery of a retail store in the Westwood Village area. The suspect was last observed boarding a Metro coach heading westbound from the area. As the officer travelled southbound, he entered the intersection of 35 Ave SW / SW Barton St, he began a left turn but diverted due to him seeing a Metro bus west of his location. The officer began turning to the right and collided with a southbound vehicle. No injuries were initially reported but Seattle Fire was summoned later for possible seatbelt related pain. SFD checked the other driver and they declined further assistance. Both vehicles sustained damage but were otherwise drivable. Media was on scene.
#2021-310202/East Precinct/Third Watch:
On 11-22-2021 at 2306 hours, multiple callers reported shots fired in the area of Judkins Park. One caller reported a bullet entered their home in the 800 block of 20 Pl S. Officers responded and located a vehicle abandoned that had fled the scene (it was later determined to likely be a victim vehicle). After speaking to witnesses it was determined that there was a party of 20 subjects drinking & smoking in the 2000 block of S Nye Pl when the shots occurred. Evidence of a shooting was located on the walking trail north of 20 Pl S / S Nye Pl and in the 800 block of 20 Pl S. Due to the location of the evidence, it appears the shots were fired towards the group of people drinking possibly in an ambush style of attack. A witness reported seeing a group of three males run out of the park and then westbound onto S Dearborn St. One of the males appeared to be wearing body armor. A short time later that same witness heard additional shots west of 20 Av S. A second scene was not located. No victims or partygoers were located. Patrol processed the scene.