#2022-136536/North Precinct/First Watch:
On 05-30-2022 at 0841 hours, the FBI passed information regarding a threat to a Seattle high school that was posted on Snapchat. The threat consisted of a photo of two handguns inside a vehicle and a geotag of the school. The FBI passed the information including a specific address obtained from an IP address and possible suspect information to Intel and Intel requested that Patrol conduct a knock and talk. Patrol units contacted and identified the occupants of the house. All the occupants were cooperative and consented to a search of the house and vehicles. A replica airsoft gun consistent with the photograph was recovered and placed into evidence. The occupants identified a friend as the owner of the relevant Snapchat account. This name matched the information provided by the FBI. The suspect was not located at this time, and it is currently unknown where he lives. The occupants believe that the suspect was simply irresponsible and does not intend to commit a school shooting. Intel will have follow-up responsibility. The school was notified and requested additional patrols/presence.
#2022-136544/Southwest Precinct/First Watch:
On 05-30-2022 at 0858 hours, officers were at the 1800 BLK of SW Barton St and saw the possible vehicle involved with a shooting yesterday at the 8800 BLK of 9 Ave SW (case# 22-135627). Multiple officers responded and conducted a high-risk vehicle stop. The occupants complied and were detained. Post Miranda, the occupants said that they were shot at yesterday during the shooting. The male who was in possession of the vehicle is a convicted felon. The male gave written consent to search his vehicle, and officers located ammunition. The male was arrested for VUFA. The incident was screened with GVRU, and the suspect was booked at KCJ.
#2022-136663/West Precinct/Second Watch:
On 05-30-2022 at 1207 hours, a male was walking towards his car when suspects ran up to him, pointed a gun at him, and pushed him up against wall. Suspects demanded his phone and wallet. Victim stated the Suspect 1 had a firearm and pushed it into his neck. After the male victim handed over his items, suspects ran around the corner and fled in a white station wagon type vehicle. Suspects were not located.