#2022-298687/West Precinct/First Watch:
On 11-06-2022 at 0835 hours, an officer responded to a shelter for a burglary report. Officers located the suspect nearby and went to contact him. The suspect resisted being arrested and fell to the ground causing a small abrasion to his right knee. Suspect arrested for the burglary and a Type 2 Use of Force was initiated.
#2022-298835/West Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1222 hours, officers were dispatched to a disturbance call, suspect was located and identified. Suspect admitted he had a DOC warrant. Suspect attempted to elude officers by running into the roadway. Officers took the suspect to the ground which caused a minor abrasion to his leg. Level II Use of Force.
#2022-298876/North Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1324 hours, officers responded to a report of a disturbance between two males. Officers investigated and determined the suspect made bias-motivated threats toward the victim. Officers developed probable cause for felony hate-crime. The suspect was gone on officers’ arrival to the original incident. However, the suspect was later apprehended for an unrelated crime. Watch LT notified.
#2022-298760/West Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1356 hours, officers were dispatched to a disturbance involving a woman in crisis. While on scene the subject threatened to assault one of the officers. The subject eventually punched the officer in the arm. After being placed under arrest, subject threatened to take officers’ handguns from them. Subject was booked into King County Jail.
#2022-299113/West Precinct/Third Watch:
At 1930 hours, officers responded to a DESC building for an assault investigation and developed probable cause for arrest. While placing the suspect on an AMR gurney for non-medical transport to KCJ, the suspect kicked an officer in the upper thigh. The officer was uninjured, and no medical treatment was needed. The suspect was booked into KCJ for Investigation of Assault and a Hazard report was completed. The incident was screened with A/Lt.