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Monday – August 7, 2023

#2023-225253/North Precinct/First Watch:

On 8-7-2023, at 09:41hrs, patrol received a 911 call that a male was holding a female at gunpoint and was threatening to kill her. Patrol, SWAT, K9, Crisis Response Team, and Hostage Negotiators were able to rescue the victim and have the suspect surrender. A gun was recovered.

#2023-225299/Southwest Precinct/Second Watch:

At 10:32hrs, staff observed two children handling a spent casing in the playground area. The staff member then observed bullet damage on the building. Police responded and noted ballistic damage to a flood light and on the exterior of the building where the flood light was located. Staff indicated the light was functioning Thursday (8/3) and found damaged Friday (8/4). No suspects were located at the time of this report.

#2023-225579/North Precinct/Second Watch:

At 15:19hrs, officers responded and contacted the caller, who showed them a suspicious package. Based on information gathered, the street was blocked off and Arson Bomb Squad was notified. Police secured and made advisements to shelter in place in the area, while ABS examined the package. After there was no indication of a hazard, the package was opened and found to contain random items. The circumstances leading to why the package was left at the location is unknown at this time.