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Friday– January 24, 2025

2025-21890/South Precinct/First Watch:

At 0430 hours, two unhoused males got into an altercation. One pulled out a machete and attacked the other. This was witnessed by security for of a nearby coffee shop. It appears the attack may have been unprovoked. Officers flooded the area and both parties were located. The suspect was in possession of a machete. Security positively identified the suspect. The victim suffered minor injuries, refused fire, and did not cooperate with the investigation. Patrol handled the on-scene investigation.   

2025-22311/South Precinct/Second Watch:

At 1356 hours, officers responded to an attempted Bank robbery in the 9000 Block of Rainier Av S. The suspect entered from the front entrance of the bank and approached the front teller window. The suspect demanded the teller give him “all of the money” and brandished a firearm at the teller. The bank manager advised that she was going to call the police, the suspect then fled the scene on foot without getting any money. Officers requested a K9 unit, but no K9 unit was available. Officers could not locate the suspect.  

2025-22677/North Precinct/Third Watch:

At 2106 hours, North Precinct received a call of street racers meeting in the Northgate Mall Parking lot near 5 Av N / Northgate Way. CRG officers responded to the area, the vehicles were gathered in the lot in a meet up style event where drivers were showing their cars off to each other. There were approximately 200 cars in the lot. After 10 minutes, the group began leaving the lot at high rates of speed and most vehicles got on I-5 south. They did not take over any intersections, but many vehicles did compare power and speed by either racing on I-5 or racing on Northgate Way. We were able document those comparing power and stopped one vehicle for reckless driving. CRG will complete 8 tickets to be mailed to the ROs of that were observed. The vehicle that was stopped was cited for comparing power, improper display of license plate, speeding and unsafe lane change. At the writing of this SIR, the racers had either continued South on I-5 or East on I-90 out of the city.