2025-23468/North Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1800 hours, officers were conducting routine patrol at the intersection of Greenwood Av N and N 85 St when their patrol vehicle was struck by a seemingly heavy object on the rear driver’s side. Officers were not injured, and the patrol vehicle did not sustain any obvious damage. Unfortunately, no suspect information is known. No obvious item was found in the roadway.
2025-23539/West Precinct/Third Watch:
At 1940 hours, SFD responded to a fire started inside a unit within a large, occupied complex. The fire was contained to a single unit, but the complex sustained significant water damage. Fire Marshall 5 determined the incident to be arson. The sole resident of the unit was later located and taken into custody. ABS screened.
2025-23572/North Precinct/Third Watch:
At 2023 hours, a victim reported that a H/M wearing a black ski mask, and a black hoodie had entered the rear seat of his vehicle and subsequently demanded his vehicle. This happened at the same time a known female attempted to open his driver’s side door. The victim stated he was in fear for his life, so he took off from the scene driving recklessly with the suspect still in the rear seat of his car. Eventually, the suspect stated he wanted to get out of the car, so the victim pulled over and let the suspect out and he drove off to meet with officers at his home. An area check for the suspect was completed but not located.
#2025-23235/East Precinct/Second Watch:
At 131 hours, officers were dispatched to an auto recovery near Terrace St / Terry Av. The vehicle was possibly occupied by two subjects and a Pitbull growling at passersby. When officers arrived, the male seated in the driver seat was not alert. Police placed terminators at the front and back tires along the passenger side. After re-positioning to conduct a high-risk vehicle stop, the driver took off at the sound of the first announcement from police. The terminator deployment was successful and deflated both tires on the passenger side. Patrol did not pursue but conducted area checks knowing the driver would more than likely abandon the car. Prior to the car eluding police, a description of the driver had been obtained. Officers conducting area checks located a male with a dog matching the suspect description. The male suspect was arrested for theft of a vehicle, eluding, DUI, and his two warrants a hit and run warrant and DWLS 3rd. He will be booked into KCJ after being medically cleared at HMC. The vehicle was found a short distance away abandoned. A records check of the vehicle returned with a stolen hit and a hold for the vehicle. It was identified by GIU in a recent bulletin being involved in recent burglaries. It was impounded to the VPR for further processing.