#2025-30508/South Precinct/Third Watch:
At 0030 hours, victim was walking in the 1300 blk of 12 Ave South. He was approached by an unknown person who told him to give up his wallet. The suspect produced a firearm and pointed it at the victim. The victim grabbed the firearm, and the suspect shot the victim 3 times in the legs. The victim drove himself to the hospital. Patrol responded out to the location of crime and did not locate any evidence of a crime scene. Robbery Detectives responded to HMC and interviewed the victim. The Robbery unit will continue to investigate this incident.
#2025-30562/West Precinct Third Watch:
At 0207 hours, officers observed a fight disturbance outside of a lounge in the 2300 block of 2 AV. Officers heard three shots and observed a gray Tesla Model Y speed away southbound on 2 AV. Witnesses identified the Tesla as the source of the gunfire. Officers were unable to reacquire the suspect vehicle. Evidence was located at the scene. No injuries or property damage resulted. GVRU screened.
#2025-30612/South Precinct/Third Watch:
At 0338 hours, Vehicle was traveling northbound on 2nd Ave S near S Horten St when it entered the tracks and became stuck. The four occupants exited the vehicle and almost immediately observed a train coming southbound. The occupants called 911 but was unable to stop the train and the unoccupied vehicle was struck and pushed about 200 feet. There were no injuries 251 screened the incident. The vehicle was removed from the tracks and the road re-opened. There were no injuries.
#2025-30913/North Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1408 hours, Officers were dispatched to an assault call in Nora sector. During the investigation the victim and witnesses stated to officers that the suspect assaulted the victim because of his sexual orientation. The suspect was placed under arrested and transported to the King County Jail. Unit 212 was notified of the incident. An alert email was sent to the Bias Crimes Coordinator, PIO, and Violent Crimes Section Captain.
#2025-30894/Southwest Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1341 hours, SW Precinct received reports of a small demonstration at 59 AV SW / Alki AV SW. Officers and a Sergeant responded to the scene to monitor. The demonstration grew to 200-300 people plus 50+ vehicles. The demonstration was peaceful, and no crimes of violence or property damage occurred. There were just noise nuisances and minor traffic disruption. 212 responded to the scene and monitored as well.
#2025-33113/South Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1814 hours, we received calls of a female in the mid-span of the West Seattle Bridge, looking over the edge. Officers responded and found a suicidal subject with one leg over the edge, threatening to jump. The subject was also armed with a small knife that was kept pointed at officers. All east bound traffic of the West Seattle Bridge was shut down because it was too loud to communicate with the subject. A female officer and HNT responded on-scene to assist. After speaking with the subject for over an hour, Officers were able to talk her off the ledge and safely take her into custody.
#2025-30959/South Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1700 hours, officers responded to multiple calls for shots fired in the area. Once on scene, officers located 28 FCC’s. No victims or significant property damage were located.
#2025-309998/South Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1530 hours, officers responded to the 900 block of Golf Dr S to reports of shots heard. After investigating, it was determined an ex-boyfriend broke into the female victim’s apartment and began assaulting her with a firearm. The current boyfriend returned and was shot by the suspect. The suspect then took the female victim against her will from the apartment complex a short distance away until she was able to get free. The male victim self-evacuated to HMC where he is in stable condition, and the female was treated at Valley Medical Center. The known suspect fled from the scene and remains outstanding. GVRU responded to assist with processing and interviews.