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Mayor’s Office FAQs on marijuana enforcement in Seattle

Here is a post from Mayor McGinn’s blog, reprinted here with permission: An FAQ on marijuana enforcement in Seattle There have been a few questions recently regarding marijuana enforcement in our city.  We’ve put together a FAQ to help answer these questions. 1. Is enforcing simple possession of marijuana really… [ Keep reading ]

Statement from Seattle Police Chief John Diaz

I have read the decline decision provided by King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg regarding the April 17th Seattle Police misconduct incident. I have contacted City Attorney Peter Holmes and asked him to review the case. The Office of Professional Accountability (OPA) investigation has yet to be completed and remains a… [ Keep reading ]

Officer involved shooting fatality – Update

On August 30th at approximately 4:15 p.m. a West Precinct officer was patrolling in the area of Boren Ave and Howell St. when he came across an adult male who was walking westbound on Howell Street from Boren Ave in the crosswalk. Watch the full  press conference The male subject crossed… [ Keep reading ]

Fatal officer involved shooting

On 8/30/10, at approximately 4:15 p.m., a West Precinct officer was patrolling in the area of Boren Ave and Howell St. when he came across an adult male sitting on a retaining wall on the Northwest corner of the intersection. The officer noted that the man was holding a knife…. [ Keep reading ]

Stolen bicycle recovered, new online reporting system used

North Precinct detectives recently investigated a case where a citizen utilized the new Community Online Reporting Program to report her bicycle stolen from her front yard on July 27th. The bicycle was actually taken on July 22nd.   The key to this case was the fact that the victim recorded the serial… [ Keep reading ]

Early morning pursuit, crash of stolen van

On August 30th, at approximately 2:00 AM, Seattle Police were notified that Snohomish County Sheriff’s deputies and the Washington State Patrol were involved in a pursuit of a stolen newspaper box van and were crossing 520 westbound entering the Seattle city limits.  West Precinct officers began to deploy to various… [ Keep reading ]

Additional information on Highland Park robbery

Seattle Police are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying and locating the suspect(s) in yesterday’s early morning robbery in Highland Park.  Detectives now believe that there were two, possibly three suspects that committed this crime.  A number of items were taken during this robbery, including a number of rifles and handguns. … [ Keep reading ]

Northwest Ride of Dreams & Classic Car Show

The Seattle Police Department is proud to be participating in the 1st Annual Northwest Ride of Dreams and Classic Car Show to benefit the athletes of Special Olympics Washington.  On Saturday, August 28, 2010 it is expected that hundreds of motorcycles will descend on the historic city of Ellensburg, Washington… [ Keep reading ]

Early morning robbery in Highland Park

On August 26th, shortly after 3:30 AM, Seattle Police officers responded to a 911 call of a “home invasion” type robbery in the 7900 Block of 4 Avenue Southwest.  Officers arrived at the location and determined the following: Sometime before 3:00 AM, an unknown Asian male knocked on the door… [ Keep reading ]

Second suspect in market robbery captured

On August 25th detectives identified, located and arrested the second suspect from the market robbery that occurred in the 2100 Block of East Union Street on Sunday, August 22nd.  The 20 year old male suspect was arrested and booked into the King County Jail for Investigation of Robbery.