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Posts categorized under East Precinct Archives - Page 130 of 151 - SPD Blotter

Detectives seeking assistance identifying burglary suspect

On April 7th, 2010, a residence in the 3000 Block of 44th Avenue West was burglarized while the victim was asleep.  A purse containing credit cards and keys to the victim’s car was taken, and the car was subsequently stolen.  The car was recovered a week later downtown.  Approximately 2 hours… [ Keep reading ]

Armed robber being sought

On April 7, 2010, at approximately 1200 p.m., the suspect entered a pharmacy in the 1500 block of  N. 115th St., displayed a handgun and demanded oxycontin.  The suspect was wearing a mask and armed with a silver handgun. He entered the pharmacy through the front door of the building and exited through an unmarked… [ Keep reading ]

Bank robber captured

On April 22nd, 2010 at 2:15 p.m., an armed suspect, described as a white male, 40’s, unshaven with gray hair, robbed a bank in the 1200 block of NE 45th Street. He demanded cash and traveler’s checks from the teller.  On April 27th, a Robbery Detective received a tip that the… [ Keep reading ]

SPD deploys photo speed van on arterials

Speed Van Photo Enforcement SCHOOL ZONE SPEED ENFORCEMENT During the 2008-2009 school year, the Seattle Police Department Traffic Section deployed a mobile van equipped with traffic safety camera and across-the-road radar to document and issue citations for school zone speed violations.  The principal purpose of this pilot project, which was… [ Keep reading ]

SPD to assist Special Olympics by working “Tip-A-Cop” this Saturday

On Saturday, April 17th, the Seattle Police Department will join other law enforcement agencies throughout Washington in supporting the Special Olympics of Washington by participating in the annual “Tip-A-Cop” fundraiser.  SPD will be teaming up with the Northgate Red Robin restaurant (401 NE Northgate Way) and having officers work in… [ Keep reading ]

Capitol Hill street robberies, arrests made

On April 10th between 12:35 and a little after 1:00  AM, three armed street robberies occurred on Capitol Hill, at Summit and Harrison, Summit and Union, and 15th and Union.  All of the victims were accosted while walking on the street.  The suspects in each of these robberies were described… [ Keep reading ]

Robbery of hospital gift shop

On April 9th at approximately 3:15 p.m. an adult male suspect entered a gift shop inside a hospital in the 200 block of 16th Avenue East while employees were in a back room.  A store employee heard a noise and came up front to see the suspect with the store’s… [ Keep reading ]

Five arrests in Capitol Hill demonstration

On April 9th at approximately Noon a demonstration began on Capitol Hill.  This was an apparent anarchist event.  Uniformed patrol officers, bicycle patrol officers, and mounted patrol officers staffed the event.  The event was peaceful at first.  At about 1:00 p.m. an unknown person in the crowd threw a light bulb filled… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Police is now on facebook

Seattle Police is now on facebook!  We do realize that although many readers here enjoy the content of our Blotter, there are some unavoidable limitations.  A facebook page allows us to share some additional content in a format that millions of people are using every day.  Check out our page at… [ Keep reading ]

Woman Kidnapped, Assaulted, and Robbed is rescued by police — suspect apprehended trying to flee the scene

** This information is preliminary and subject to change ** On April 7th at approximately 1800 hours, a 33-year-old male suspect abducted a 19-year-old female victim in the area of 23rd Avenue South and South Jackson Street.  The suspect told the victim he was armed with a gun (although no gun was… [ Keep reading ]