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Suicidal Barricaded man

On 11/15/09, at approximately 6:30 p.m., officers responded to 143rd and Stoneway Av N to a call of a suspect who was suicidal, and had access to several firearms.  Officers responded and contained the block around the suspects home, and called for Hostage Negotiators (HNT) and SWAT.   SWAT arrived and took… [ Keep reading ]

Man flees from robbers

On 11/15/09, at approximately 1:45 a.m., the victim was walking at 15th and Jefferson when a silver 4 door car pulled up to him and the driver asked for directions. The car was occupied by 4 black males in their 20’s. When the victim approached the driver’s door to give… [ Keep reading ]

Man robbed and assaulted

On 11/15/09 at approx. 1:45 a.m., the witness was walking southwest in the 1300 block of Seneca St, west side, when he observed a group of 4 subjects smoking marijuana on the east side of the street. The witness crossed the street, and looked back into the 1300 block of Seneca St… [ Keep reading ]

Fire at grocery store in U-Village

On 11/15/09, at approx. 4:00 a.m., employees at a business in the 2700 block of NE 45th detected an odor of burning plastic.  They located some plastic bread racks burning outside near the loading dock. (East side) Employees pushed over the rack, which quickly extinguished the fire. Fire suppressant devices were… [ Keep reading ]

Injured officer in stable condition

On 11/14/09 at approximately 2:30 a.m., officers stopped a suspicious vehicle in the 13000 block of Linden Av N. and detained a juvenile for a minor offense.  It was determined that the suspect would be investigated and released to his mother.  An officer  transported the juvenile home and while speaking… [ Keep reading ]

Press Conference re: Greenwood Arson Investigation

Today, members of the Seattle Police Department, Seattle Fire Department, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, held a press conference detailing the early morning arrest of a suspect in connection with the recent spree of arson fires in the Greenwood neighborhood. Early this morning a fire erupted… [ Keep reading ]

Four Juvenile Robbery suspects captured

On November 12th at approximately 9:50 p.m., an officer observed 3 males running out of a store in the 4400 block of S. Mead St. The officer initially thought the 3 males were involved in a shoplift and chased after them. At about the same time, units were advised of an armed… [ Keep reading ]

Missing man found safe and sound

A 40-year-old missing man, Hoang “Wayne” Ba Nguyen, was located by Seattle Police uniformed patrol officers on Wednesday, November 11th at around Noon.  Officers on patrol downtown spotted Nguyen at 8th Avenue and Pine Street.  He was subsequently returned to his family safe and sound.

Vehicle vs Pedestrian collision

On 11-11-09 at 12:00a.m., a red, 1995, Honda, Civic, driven by a 20-year- old male was traveling eastbound on NE 50th St approaching 15th Ave NE.  At the same time approximately four pedestrians ran across NE 50th St from north to south in the marked crosswalk on the east side of… [ Keep reading ]

Fire survival and escape plans

Have a plan. Make a plan for every room and every member of your home and workplace. Mark two ways out of every room if possible.  Include windows. Security Bars Ensure security bars on windows have quick-release devices. Bars need to be opened easily and quickly from the inside by everyone…. [ Keep reading ]