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Chief O’Toole’s Statement on Irish Nomination

Late last evening, I received a call from the Deputy Prime Minister of Ireland who informed me that she intended to nominate me as chair of a commission to reform Irish policing.  I am certainly honored by this nomination, but also it is a testament to the incredible work the… [ Keep reading ]

Statement from Chief O’Toole on Recent Gun Violence

In the last 24 hours, there have been five shooting incidents, leaving one person dead and four others injured. We offer our deepest sympathy to the family of the young woman who died yesterday. Our hearts go out to these victims and their loved ones. We are outraged by the… [ Keep reading ]

Statement from Chief Kathleen O’Toole on Use of Force Assessment

I want to take this opportunity to share with you the results of the Monitor’s assessment on SPD use of force, which will be filed with the court today and no doubt be the subject of much media attention. In short, the Monitor’s assessment confirms the data that SPD reported… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Police Department Sets Future Priorities

In November 2016, we released a report outlining our department’s progress over the past two years. It is equally important that we look to the future. Our strategic plan covers the four pillars of policing that will continue to serve as our guiding principles as we move ahead: Enhance Public… [ Keep reading ]

SPD Grieves with Tacoma Police

Our hearts go out to the family of the fallen Tacoma Police officer, and the men and women of the Tacoma Police Department.  We ask that you keep them in your thoughts and prayers.   

Chief O’Toole Statement On Immigration Status

As affirmed by Mayor Murray, the City of Seattle remains committed to values of equality, inclusion and openness. So does the Seattle Police Department. I have heard from people in our community who fear that the policies of the SPD with regards to immigration status will soon change. They will… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Police Department Recognizes Two Years of Progress

When I started with Seattle Police Department in June 2014, we were in the early stages of implementing a federal consent decree. Thanks to the incredibly hard work of our department, we have emerged as a leader in reform and constitutional policing. This progress report outlines SPD’s work over the… [ Keep reading ]

Chief O’Toole on Reform: Significant Progress Made, Still Work Ahead

Today the Federal Monitor filed his latest report highlighting significant progress the Seattle Police Department has made in its reform efforts during the past year. The department continues to make great strides in dealing with persons in mental health crisis with only 1.6% of the 9,300 crisis contacts resulting in… [ Keep reading ]

Chief Kathleen O’Toole’s Statement on the Attack of Baton Rouge Police Officers

Once again our nation has been rocked by a senseless tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with our brother and sister officers in Baton Rouge, their families, and the communities they serve. In Seattle, we have taken additional safety precautions, both in terms of officer deployment and security at our… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle U Public Safety Survey Results Released Alongside New Micro Community Policing Plan Website

Today the Seattle Police Department launched its new Micro Community Policing Plans (MCPP) site. The updated site features crime data, interactive dashboards, and strategies deployed by SPD to address priorities identified by the city’s 58 MCPP neighborhoods. MCPP are the result of grassroots efforts, with direct collaboration from residents, business… [ Keep reading ]