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Mayor Durkan and Chief Best Respond to the Mass Shooting at a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Seattle (October 27) – Seattle Mayor Jenny A. Durkan and Chief of Police Carmen Best responded to this morning’s mass shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation, a synagogue in Pittsburgh on Saturday morning with the following statement: “This was an act of terror and an act of hate against… [ Keep reading ]

Chief Best Announces Updates to SPD Leadership Team

As the Chief of Police of the Seattle Police Department, it is my responsibility to ensure the Department’s continued success, and advance a culture of continuous innovation and improvement with a shared commitment to service. In supporting this vision, I am making the following Command Staff announcements: With Deputy Chief… [ Keep reading ]

Deputy Chief Chris Fowler retiring from SPD to join the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission

I would like to announce the retirement of Deputy Chief of Police Chris Fowler and thank him for his outstanding contributions and 26 years of service to this City, and for helping to make the Seattle Police Department a national model for reform and constitutional policing. “Throughout my 26 years… [ Keep reading ]

Carmen Best sworn in as new Chief of Police

UPDATE NEW TIMES AND LOCATION FOR COMMUNITY SWEARING-IN CEREMONIES  Today I was confirmed unanimously by the City Council as the Chief of Police for the Seattle Police Department.  Next Tuesday, August 21st, there will be community swearing-in ceremonies at the following locations: Seattle City Hall | Bertha Knight Landes Room |… [ Keep reading ]

Interim Chief Carmen Best Nominated As Seattle’s Next Police Chief

I want to thank Mayor Durkan for this opportunity. She and I share the same public safety vision for moving Seattle forward, and making this the best city it can be for everyone. I’d also like to take this moment to especially thank the men and women, both sworn and… [ Keep reading ]

Statement From Interim Chief Carmen Best

There is no greater honor than to have served as the Chief of the Seattle Police Department, in a city and department that I love. I want to thank the Mayor for the opportunity and have agreed to her request that I continue as Interim Chief until a new Chief is… [ Keep reading ]

Chief Best’s Statement on SPD’s Full and Effective Compliance With the Consent Decree

I am thrilled to announce that this afternoon at 3:00, the federal court overseeing our reforms entered an order finding the Seattle Police Department in full and effective compliance with all core areas of the Consent Decree.  To all of you who have worked so hard, my deep, heartfelt congratulations,… [ Keep reading ]

Chief Carmen Best Appointed Leadership Council Chair of United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Seattle

The Seattle Police Department is honored to announce that Chief Carmen Best was appointed Chair of the Seattle United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Leadership Council. “The Seattle Police Department has worked incredibly hard to ensure our youth has access to the opportunities they deserve,” said Chief Carmen Best. “For more… [ Keep reading ]

Message from Interim Chief Carmen Best

Following is a message that Interim Chief Carmen Best shared with employees earlier this morning. Hello everyone, and Happy New Year. I have had the pleasure of working with you for the past 26 years. There is no greater honor than to serve as your Chief. I want to thank… [ Keep reading ]

Chief O’Toole Thanks Seattle

As you now know, I’ve made the very difficult decision to step down, effective December 31. It’s difficult because I love this City. I care deeply about the Seattle Police Department, and more than anything, I love being a police officer. It’s not just a job to me – it’s… [ Keep reading ]