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Strong Armed Robbery in East Precinct

East Precinct Officers responded to a strong armed robbery that occurred on 9/29/08 at approximately 11:00 PM.  The Victim told officers he was leaving the SU library when he was approached by two suspects. They initially asked about the school, then began punching and kicking the victim, knocking him to… [ Keep reading ]

Shots fired, hitting residences in East Precinct

On September 29th East Precinct officers responded to two different calls of “shots fired”. The first occurred around 2:00 PM in the area of 15th and E. Alder.  Witnesses reported hearing 3 to 5 shots and 2 possible suspects were observed fleeing on foot.  An Area search located one shell casing… [ Keep reading ]

Thanks to West Precinct Officers

The following commendation was sent to the West Precinct, thanking officers who responded to assist a business owner.  “I had to make a call today due to the fact a homeless lady had decided to make home in our storage space below the restaurant. Due to a miscommuntication error I… [ Keep reading ]

Political bias crime in North Seattle

On September 29th at 8:14 AM officers responded to a report of property damage in the 9500 block of 14th Avenue NW.  Upon arrival they discovered a political sign burned and fecal matter smeared over an American flag poster in the property owner’s window.  The burnt poster did not cause any… [ Keep reading ]

North Precinct Officers struck by fleeing suspect

On September 28th, North Precinct officers were responding to 122th & Fremont Avenue N on a prowler call when they were struck by the fleeing suspect’s vehicle.  The patrol vehicle sustained damage to the front end.  The suspect’s vehicle then collided with a parked car and the suspect fled on foot.  Containment was established and K9… [ Keep reading ]

Officer’s quick action prevents shooting

On September 27th at bar closing, a West Precinct officer was in the area of 1st and Blanchard on a premise check for bar closing.  He was advised by security from a nearby nightclub that there was a man with gun.  After a short foot pursuit one suspect was taken in custody.  The suspect had been… [ Keep reading ]

Woman Killed in Boating Accident

On September 27th at 8:37 PM a sailboat (with three passengers) moored off of Seward Park was struck in the stern by a powerboat (with 2 passengers).  The powerboat was driven by a 17-year-old male.  Three of the boaters were taken to Harborview Medical Center with non-life-threatening injuries, one was interviewed and released and a 38-year-old woman was… [ Keep reading ]

Shots fired outside nightclub

On September 27th at 1206 AM, off-duty officers working outside of a nightclub in the 100 block of Taylor Avenue N heard several gunshots from the parking lot to the south of the club.  Several units responded and were able to interview a number of witnesses who reported that two vehicles, had exchanged gunfire, and… [ Keep reading ]

Stabbing in East Precinct

East Precinct Officers responded to Harborview Medical Center on 9/27/08 to investigate an assault that happened earlier in the evening.  The victim was reluctant to speak with officers, but eventually told them the stabbing happened on Broadway just up the hill by Salvation Army and said there were 6 to 7 suspects… [ Keep reading ]

Homeless man assaulted in Ballard

On September 26th, North Precinct officers were dispatched to the Safeway store in Ballard on an assault call.  Upon arriving they learned eight juveniles had assaulted a homeless person.  The victim used a shopping cart as a shield between himself and the suspects but some of them were able to get around the… [ Keep reading ]