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Posts categorized under Chief Kathleen O’Toole, Author at SPD Blotter - Page 3 of 6

Chief Kathleen O’Toole’s Statement on the Attack of Baton Rouge Police Officers

Once again our nation has been rocked by a senseless tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with our brother and sister officers in Baton Rouge, their families, and the communities they serve. In Seattle, we have taken additional safety precautions, both in terms of officer deployment and security at our… [ Keep reading ]

“Only in the Darkness Can You See the Stars”

“Only in the darkness can you see the stars,” said Martin Luther King Jr. Last night, in Dallas, these words rang true again. Dallas Police and Dallas Area Rapid Transit officers were providing an escort to a peaceful demonstration, when shots were fired, leaving five of their fellow officers dead…. [ Keep reading ]

Chief O’Toole’s Statement On Mass Shooting In Orlando

The Seattle Police Department offers its sincere condolences to all affected by today’s tragic mass shooting in Orlando. I have been in communication with senior officials from the FBI and DHS, as well as our state and local law enforcement partners. While there is no information indicating any specific threat to… [ Keep reading ]

Congratulations to Captains Mike Washburn and Eric Greening

I want to extend my congratulations to Captain Mike Washburn on the news that he has been given a conditional offer of employment as Police Chief of the City of Indio, California. Mike has served the Seattle community with great distinction and his leadership at the South Precinct has led… [ Keep reading ]

Chief O’Toole Statement on Body-Worn Cameras

I’m often asked, “When will body-worn video become a reality?” The community has made it abundantly clear they welcome this technology. In a recent report filed by the Federal Monitor, Seattleites overwhelmingly want to see body cameras on officers with 89 percent in support. A national Pew Research study found… [ Keep reading ]

Chief O’Toole on Latest Federal Monitor Report on Crisis Intervention

The Seattle Police Department is moving forward with reform as noted by the Federal Monitor’s filing today. The Monitoring Team acknowledged strides SPD has taken in how we engage persons in crisis. Per the report, officers used force against individuals in crisis less than two percent of the time, all… [ Keep reading ]

Chief O’Toole on Latest Federal Monitor Report

The Seattle Police Department is encouraged by the Federal Monitor’s most recent report. The Monitoring Team noted progress SPD has made in improving relations with certain populations across Seattle, and in documenting, investigating and analyzing use of force. SPD officers continue to respond well to the “clear rules of the road”… [ Keep reading ]

Chief O’Toole on Force Review Board Compliance

As noted today in the Federal Monitor’s filing, the Seattle Police Department’s Force Review Board (FRB) was found to be in initial compliance with Consent Decree requirements. This signals a major step forward and underscores the SPD’s commitment to reform and accountability. In particular, I’d like to recognize the tireless… [ Keep reading ]

Chief O’Toole Thanks COO Wagers for Contributions to SPD

I would like to announce the soon-departure of Chief Operating Officer Mike Wagers and thank him for his tremendous contributions toward making the SPD a national model for urban policing. I’ve known and worked with Mike since he was a Ph.D. student at Rutgers University. When Mayor Ed Murray announced… [ Keep reading ]

Chief O’Toole On De-Escalation And Reform

This weekend, I became aware of a video in a New York Times article that showed officers in a de-escalation training session having a spirited discussion. I referred the incident to OPA to determine if the use of force incident referred to in the video was reported and within policy…. [ Keep reading ]