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8th Annual Awards Banquet held downtown last night

The Seattle Police Department and the Seattle Police Foundation  honored the incredible work performed by employees of the Department in their professional commitment to serve and protect the community on Friday, October 30th at the Seattle Sheraton Hotel Grand Ballroom. One of the most effective ways in which the Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Halloween Safety Tips

The Seattle Police Department wishes Seattle residents a Happy Halloween and offers the following Halloween safety measures to parents whose ghouls and goblins will be making the rounds on Saturday night.  • Don’t allow children go “Trick or treating” alone. An adult should accompany young children and make sure that all… [ Keep reading ]

Street robbery on Capitol Hill

On October 27th at around 10:30 p.m., East Precinct patrol officers responded to a report of a street robbery in the 1800 block of E Republican Street.  The adult female victim reported to officers that a suspect approached her while holding what appeared to be a handgun.  He immediately demanded… [ Keep reading ]

Missing child found safe and sound

On October 26th at approximately 5:04 p.m. the mother of a missing 6-year-old boy called 911 after seeing her child on the news reported missing.  A meeting location was arranged in South Seattle.  Patrol officers responded to that location, positively identified the boy and determined that both he and his mother… [ Keep reading ]

Have you seen this child?

South Precinct patrol officers are currently looking for the 6 year old boy pictured above.  His name is Denez Bernier.  He usually wears a dark blue jacket and has a dark green GI Joe backpack.  He did not show up at Dearborn Park Elementary School earlier today.  School officials received a… [ Keep reading ]

Carprowl interrupted

On 10/15/09, at 1030 p.m., a couple returned to their parked vehicle in the 1700 block of Harvard Ave. and interrupted a carprowl in progress. They confronted the male suspect. A second suspect was parked in a white sedan next to the victim’s vehicle. This suspect tossed what the victims… [ Keep reading ]

Arson Fire

On 10/13/09, at 2:00 a.m., an officer was flagged down by a taxi driver, who  reported that he observed a man and a woman set a light pole on fire at 10 Ave / E. Pike St.   Seattle Fire Department responded to the scene.  The suspects lit paper posters, which were… [ Keep reading ]

Shooter arrested

On October 9th at around 11 p.m., Gang Unit detectives stopped a 21-year-old man in connection to the August 14th shooting just outside of the Youth Service Center at 12th Avenue E and E Alder Street.  The arrest took place without incident just off of southbound Interstate at the Corson/Michigan Exit. … [ Keep reading ]

Robbery suspect arrested in Cal Anderson Park

On October 8th, at approximately4:00 p.m., the victim of an armed robbery saw the suspect in Cal Anderson Park on Capitol Hill and flagged down an officer.  The officer located and arrested the suspect.  The 31-year old male suspect was then transported to the Robbery detectives where he was interviewed… [ Keep reading ]

Drug deal gone bad

On 10/8/09, at approximately 2:18 a.m., after a drug deal went bad at E. Roy St. and Broadway Av E. the dealer (suspect) struck the buyer (victim) with his hand and feet then  robbed  the victim of his I.D. and cell phone.  Officers were on routine patrol when they were flagged down by the… [ Keep reading ]