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Posts categorized under West Precinct Archives - Page 224 of 224 - SPD Blotter

Occupied Burglary

  On October 3rd at approximately 1515 hours, the suspect approached the victim’s residence located in the 2500 block of 28th Avenue West. The suspect knocked on the door and threatened to kill the female resident if she didn’t open it. The victim called 911. As patrol officers were responding, the suspect returned and… [ Keep reading ]

West Precinct Officers arrest car prowlers

On September 30th at approximately 2:30 PM West Precinct officers responded to the area of 19th Avenue W & W. Harrison St. on a vehicle prowl in progress.  They detained two suspects in the immediate area and had a witness come by and make positive identification of both suspects.  Officers recovered stolen items from the suspects belonging… [ Keep reading ]

Thanks to West Precinct Officers

The following commendation was sent to the West Precinct, thanking officers who responded to assist a business owner.  “I had to make a call today due to the fact a homeless lady had decided to make home in our storage space below the restaurant. Due to a miscommuntication error I… [ Keep reading ]

Officer’s quick action prevents shooting

On September 27th at bar closing, a West Precinct officer was in the area of 1st and Blanchard on a premise check for bar closing.  He was advised by security from a nearby nightclub that there was a man with gun.  After a short foot pursuit one suspect was taken in custody.  The suspect had been… [ Keep reading ]

Shots fired outside nightclub

On September 27th at 1206 AM, off-duty officers working outside of a nightclub in the 100 block of Taylor Avenue N heard several gunshots from the parking lot to the south of the club.  Several units responded and were able to interview a number of witnesses who reported that two vehicles, had exchanged gunfire, and… [ Keep reading ]

Woman surprises burglar as he attempts to enter her house

On Tuesday, 09/23/08 at approximately 10:45 AM a woman called 911 after she surprised a burglar climbing into the window of her residence in the 3000 block of 27th Ave W.  The suspect, startled by her presence, exited the window and fled the scene possibly by car.  Officers conducted an area check for… [ Keep reading ]

Bank Robbed, One Suspect Arrested

On 9/19/08 at approximately  4:47 PM, 2 Black males robbed a bank in the 1400 Block of 5th Avenue. One suspect had his hand in his pocket implying he had a handgun.  The suspects left the bank with an undisclosed amount of money and fled to the west. Officers arrived and  searched the area. … [ Keep reading ]