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SPD Statement on Mask Guidelines

It has been brought to our attention through social media that an officer was seen not wearing a mask. All our officers and civilian employees have previously been directed to follow CDC and City of Seattle mask guidelines for their safety and the safety of our community. The behavior outlined… [ Keep reading ]

SPD Launches Public Disclosure Request Data Dashboard

As part of the Seattle Police Department’s ongoing commitment to transparency, SPD is publishing data about our public disclosure process to give additional insight into high volume and complexity of requests filed with the department every year. For the past few years, SPD has received approximately 8,000 public records requests annually,… [ Keep reading ]

COVID-19 Impacts to Seattle Police Personnel

The following information is accurate May 18, 2020 at 7:00 AM Seattle Police Department (SPD) employees in either Quarantine or Isolation: 18 SPD employees who have returned to work based on Public Health guidelines: 324 SPD employees who have tested positive for COVID-19: 7 SPD employees who have been tested… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle Files Motion to Terminate Seattle Police Department Consent Decree Sustainment Plan with Judge Robart

SEATTLE (May 7, 2020) – After meeting the comprehensive reform and improvements in Seattle Police Department operations set forth in the Consent Decree Sustainment Plan, the City of Seattle and the Department of Justice filed a motionand corresponding memorandum to terminate that plan. In 2011, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) released findings of… [ Keep reading ]

SPD Overhauls K9 Policy After Review

Today, the Seattle Police Department (SPD) is releasing video of a canine team taking a robbery suspect into custody. This video was released to a media outlet in fulfillment of a public disclosure request, and due to public interest in police accountability, we are also releasing the video publicly, as… [ Keep reading ]

SPD Releases Stops and Detentions Annual Report

In keeping with its commitment to highlighting transparency around Department policies, process and training, today the Seattle Police Department released the Stops and Detentions Annual Report. This report focuses on data around police-civilian contacts that involved a stop and limited detention of an individual. “We rely on data-driven strategies to… [ Keep reading ]

SPD Statement on New Zealand Mosques Shootings

The Seattle Police Department stands with our Muslim community. We have reached out to local mosques offering any assistance they might need. Although there are no imminent threats to Seattle we are working closely with federal, state and local partners to monitor the situation. If you see something. Say something…. [ Keep reading ]

SPD Returns Mexican Artifacts

Today the Seattle Police Department returned seized artifacts to Mexico at a repatriation ceremony held at the Consulate of Mexico. In November 2017, SPD was contacted about an estate sale where Mexican artifacts were being sold. Upon examination of the items by anthropology experts and Mexican officials it was determined… [ Keep reading ]

Deputy Chief Chris Fowler retiring from SPD to join the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission

I would like to announce the retirement of Deputy Chief of Police Chris Fowler and thank him for his outstanding contributions and 26 years of service to this City, and for helping to make the Seattle Police Department a national model for reform and constitutional policing. “Throughout my 26 years… [ Keep reading ]

Carmen Best sworn in as new Chief of Police

UPDATE NEW TIMES AND LOCATION FOR COMMUNITY SWEARING-IN CEREMONIES  Today I was confirmed unanimously by the City Council as the Chief of Police for the Seattle Police Department.  Next Tuesday, August 21st, there will be community swearing-in ceremonies at the following locations: Seattle City Hall | Bertha Knight Landes Room |… [ Keep reading ]