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Flag raising ceremony at the Space Needle

At 10:00 am this morning, Thursday, November 5th, 2009, the Seattle Police Honor Guard will raise a 20 X 30 foot (600 square feet) flag on top of the Space Needle to honor our fallen brother, Officer Timothy Brenton.   This flag will be flown on top of the Space… [ Keep reading ]

Map of Procession Route

A map of the procession route courtesy of SDOT. Memorial Procession Map

Message to all Honor Guards

Honor Guards wishing to participate in Officer Brenton’s memorial are requested to be at Key Arena ready to practice at 8:00 am on Friday, November 6th.  Parking has been reserved at the Seattle Center 1st Avenue North garage, located at 1st Avenue North and North Thomas Street.   For information regarding… [ Keep reading ]

Memorial Procession for Officer Brenton to be Held November 6

The following is the memorial procession for Officer Brenton’s memorial on Friday, November 6th.  Motorists should expect significant traffic delays along the route.  A memorial procession along city streets for Seattle Police Officer Timothy Brenton will be held on Friday, November 6. Approximately 1,000 to 1,500 vehicles will depart at… [ Keep reading ]

Statement from Officer Brenton’s family

The following is a statement from the family of Officer Tim Brenton: “The family of Officer Tim Brenton would like to thank the community for the tremendous outpouring of support.  Even with the tragic loss, Tim’s wife and children are finding solace in the support from the police community, their… [ Keep reading ]

Brenton Family Assistance Fund established

There has been a fund established for the family of Officer Timothy Brenton.  Donations may be made at any Bank of America branch under the “Brenton Family Assistance Fund.”

Update on memorial service for Officer Timothy Brenton

The memorial service for Officer Timothy Brenton is scheduled for Friday, November 6th at 1:00 p.m. at the Key Arena. The Seattle Police Department is in the process of establishing a bank account for Officer Brenton’s family.  More information about that will be available soon. The men and women of the Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Photos of fallen Officer Tim Brenton

The following photos have been made available by Officer Tim Brenton’s family.

Additional information on Seattle Police Officer murder investigation

It is with profound sadness that we must inform you that a Seattle Police Officer was killed in the line of duty last night.  Officer Timothy Brenton,  a Field Training Officer assigned to Third Watch, East Precinct, was shot to death while he and Student Officer Britt Sweeney, were parked… [ Keep reading ]

Officer shot and killed

On October 31st, shortly after 10:00 p.m., a Field Training Officer (FTO) and his female student officer were parked in their patrol car in the 100 Block of 29th Avenue South.  The student officer was seated in the driver’s seat and the FTO was in the passenger seat.  A vehicle… [ Keep reading ]